How to input pharmacy bill. 0 0

Last updated on May 03, 2023 14:21 in Hospital ERP
Posted ByOluwadoyin

How to input pharmacy bill

Having a detailed information on how your hospital is being managed. The below illustration helps you to keep track on records relating to the pharmaceutical section of your hospital.

Creation Date: March 10, 2023
Created By: Adefaka Oluwadoyinsola

1. Go to Dashboard

2. Click on Pharmacy

Click on  Pharmacy

3. Click on Generate Bill

Click on  Generate Bill

4. Click on Save

Click on  Save

5. Click on Medicines

    This section contains drugs available in the pharmacy

Click on  Medicines

6. Click on Import Medicines

    This helps to import medicines inform of a CSV file into the system

Click on  Import Medicines

7. Click on Import Medicines

Click on  Import Medicines

8. Click on Add Medicine

Click on  Add Medicine

9. Click on document

    This aspect is for entry of medicine into the system

Click on document

10. Click on Purchase

    This section is for keeping purchase records of medicine from pharmaceutical company

Click on  Purchase

11. Click on Purchase Medicine

    This is for entry of medicine purchased

Click on  Purchase Medicine

12. Click on Save

     click on save after clicking on the calculating button

Click on  Save

** The time is base on UTC timezone