How to apply and approve leaves on your hospitals portal 0 0

Last updated on May 03, 2023 14:38 in Hospital ERP
Posted ByOluwadoyin

How to apply and approve leaves on your hospital's portal

To apply and approve leaves on your hospital's HR portal, log in and navigate to the leave section. From there, you can apply for leave by selecting the type of leave, dates, and reasons. Submit the application and wait for approval from your manager or supervisor. To approve leaves as a manager, log in to the HR portal and navigate to the leave approval section. Review and approve the pending leave applications for your team members. It is important to follow your hospital's specific guidelines and procedures for applying and approving leaves to ensure accurate record-keeping and staffing. By using the HR portal to manage leave, you can streamline the process and ensure that leave is managed effectively.

Below is an illustration on how to go about it

Creation Date: April 3, 2023
Created By: Adefaka Oluwadoyinsola

1. Go to Dashboard

2. Click on Human Resource

Click on  Human Resource

3. Click on Leaves

Click on  Leaves

4. Click on Apply Leave

Click on  Apply Leave

5. Click on Save

Click on  Save

6. Click on Approve Leave Request

For approving leave request

Click on  Approve Leave Request

7. Click on Save

Click on  Save

** The time is base on UTC timezone