How permission works ? 0 0

Last updated on Jul 06, 2021 16:22 in 925Worksuite ERP » FAQ
Posted ByElijah

  • View (Global) – All invoices.
  • View (Own) – Only invoices created by a staff member.
  • Create – Create invoices
  • Edit – All (if have permission View Global ) and own
  • Delete – All (if have permission View Global ) and own


  • View (Global) – All estimates.
  • View (Own) – Only estimates created by staff member.
  • Create – Create estimates
  • Edit – All (if have permission View Global ) and own
  • Delete – All (if have permission View Global ) and own


  • View (Global) – All proposals.
  • View (Own) – Only proposals created by staff member.
  • Create – Create proposals
  • Edit – All (if have permission View Global ) and own
  • Delete – All (if have permission View Global ) and own


  • View (Global) – All expenses.
  • View (Own) – Only expenses created by staff member.
  • Create – Create expenses
  • Edit – All (if have permission View Global ) and own
  • Delete – All (if have permission View Global ) and own


  • View (Global) – All contracts.
  • View (Own) – Only contracts created by staff member.
  • Create – Create contracts
  • Edit – All (if have permission View Global ) and own
  • Delete – All (if have permission View Global ) and own


  • View (Global) – All payments.
  • View (Own) – (Not applicable) Based on invoices View (Own) permissions. If staff member have permission for invoices View (Own) will be able to see only payments linked to invoices created from the staff member.
  • Create – Create payments – if have permission View (Own) for invoices will be able to add payments based on invoices created by the staff member.
  • Edit – All (if have permission View Global for invoices ) and own based on invoices permission.
  • Delete – All (if have permission View Global for payments) and own based on invoices permission.


  • View (Global) – All projects
  • View (Own) – (Not applicable) If staff member dont have permission View(Global) for projects then will be able to see only projects where this staff member is added as project member.
  • Create – Create new projects
  • Edit – All (if have permission View Global ) and projects where staff member is added as project member
  • Delete – All (if have permission View Global ) and own


  • View (Global) – All tasks
  • View (Own) – (Not applicable) If staff member don’t have permission View(Global) for tasks then will be able to see only tasks where this staff member is assigned, added as follower or task is public. In 1 occasion staff member will be able to see other tasks (if don’t have permission View Global for tasks) related to project where staff member is added as project member only if in Setup->Settings->Tasks -> Allow all staff to see all tasks related to projects (includes non-staff) is set to YES.
  • Create – Create new tasks
  • Edit – All (if have permission View Global ) and tasks where staff member is connected.
  • Delete – All (if have permission View Global ) and tasks where staff member is connected.


  • View (Global) – All customers.
  • View (Own) – (Not applicable) Based on customer admin, eq if user is added as customer admin for a specific customer then the menu item will be shown and this user will be able to see only his customers. Note: The staff member needs to be assigned at least to 1 customer admin the menu item Customers to be shown.
  • Create – Create customers – If don’t have permissions View (Global) the staff member will be auto added as customer admin.
  • Edit – All (if have permission View Global ) and own
  • Delete – Delete customers – All (if have permission ) and own


  • View (Global) – View all items.
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create – Create items
  • Edit – Edit and manage all items.
  • Delete – All

Knowledge Base

  • View (Global) – View all articles includes internal staff members articles.
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create – Create articles and groups
  • Edit – Edit and manage all articles and groups.
  • Delete – All


  • View (Global) – View all goals.
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create – Create goals
  • Edit – Edit and manage all goals.
  • Delete – All

Email Templates

  • View (Global) – View all email templates
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create -Not applicable.
  • Edit – Edit and manage all email templates.
  • Delete – Not applicable.


  • View (Global) – View all reports
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create -Not applicable.
  • Edit – Not applicable.
  • Delete – Not applicable.


  • View (Global) – View all roles.
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create – Create roles.
  • Edit – Edit and manage all roles.
  • Delete – All.

Settings (Setup->Settings)

  • View (Global) – View all settings.
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create – Not applicable.
  • Edit – Update all settings.
  • Delete – Not applicable.


  • View (Global) – View all staff members.
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create – Create new staff members.
  • Edit – Edit and manage all staff members.
  • Delete – All.


  • View (Global) – View all surveys.
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create – Create new surveys.
  • Edit – Edit and manage all surveys.
  • Delete – All.

Bulk PDF Exporter

  • View (Global) – Staff member will be able to VIEW bulk PDF exporter feature in Utilities->Bulk PDF Exporter and will be able to export invoices,proposals,payments,estimates based on the permissions for these feature. eq Staff member have permission for invoices View(Own) then will be able to export only invoices that are created from this staff member.
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create – Not applicable.
  • Edit – All (if have permission View Global ) and own
  • Delete – Not applicable


Note that the lead permission will be hidden if a staff member is marked as not staff member.

  • View (Global) – If this permission is not checked, a staff member will be only able to view leads to where is assigned, leads created by the staff member and leads that are marked as public.
  • View (Own) – Not applicable.
  • Create – Not applicable – All staff can create leads, except members marked as not staff members
  • Edit – Not applicable – Everyone who has access to specific lead can edit most of the lead information for a better collaboration and keep up to date lead information.
  • Delete

Other notes about permissions:

  • Leads
    • Staff members that are not admins can only see leads to whom are assigned, lead is created by staff member or lead is marked as public.
    • Staff members that are not admin can create and assign leads to all other staff members.
  • Support Tickets – By default only staff members that belong to the ticket department will be able to see tickets if in Setup->Settings->Tickets the option Allow staff to access the only ticket that belongs to staff departments is set to YES, otherwise will be able to see all tickets.
** The time is base on UTC timezone