Reading time: 4 minutes
The email overview allows at-a-glance information regarding the success or failure of a particular email. You can quickly see relevant information in regards to opens, bounces, successful click-throughs and other important statistics.
Email creation can be handled through the graphical email builder with little to no HTML knowledge. Emails are assigned to particular segments and/or campaigns. Below are some key steps to be performed when creating an email.
When creating the email, an option is given to assign a language and a translation parent. By selecting a translation parent, the current item is then considered to be a translation in the selected language of that parent item. If a contact has a preferred language set, they will receive the translated version in their preferred language if it exists. Otherwise, they will receive the parent in the default language.
It is also possible to have translations of A/B test variants.
When creating an email you can select the segments to which you want to send the email.
This entry field is a multi-select which allows you to choose several segments if necessary.