Setup Homepage
Banner:You can add three types of banners for your website: main banner ,secondary banner and pop upBanner also, publish/unpublish and delete options are available there.
Select a URL and an image for the banner and click the save button
You can easily change your company name, email, mobile number and copyright section.
- From admin panel go to Business Setting >web Config
- Then click on the Edit icon and update the information
You can easily change your company Web Logo, Footer Logo, mobile Logo and Fav icon.
- From admin panel go to Business Setting >web Config
- Then click on the upload button and select an image and save it
You can easily customize your web color with primary and secondary color.
- Select a primary and a secondary color then click on the Save button
SMTP configuration
To configure the SMTP system follow the steps below.
- Create an email from your server panel
Currency Setup
To configure currency from the existing list, follow the steps below.
- Switch on the required currency and save from all currency lists.
- Select system default currency and save.
- Select symbol format & no of decimals and save.
To add new currency – Insert currency name, currency symbol, currency code, exchange rate with 1 dollar, publish status on and then save. Then follow the configuration instructions.
Language Setup
To set language go to admin > Business Setting> languages.
- Select system default Language and save.
- click on the “add new Language” button.
- Insert language name & code(short form of language name).
- Click save. Page will redirect to the listing page.
- Input the value of the key words according to the language. These words will appear on the site.
Then click on update button.
Payment Method
Just set the payment method for your business. Here available is ‘SSLCOMMERZ’, ‘Paypal’, ‘Stripe’. You can use every payment method.
- Switch on by clicking the switchery of the methods which you want to activate.
Insert necessary Information of the methods.
- Paypal – Insert the paypal client ID, Client secret and switched off the sandbox mode(which for demo transactions). Then click on save.
- Stripe – Insert the stripe key, stripe secret which you will get from your stripe account and switch off the sandbox mode(which for demo transactions).Then click on save.
- SSlCommerz – Insert the SSLCZ store ID, SSLCZ store password and switch off the sandbox mode. Then click on save.
- Razor Pay - Insert the Razor Pay Key and Secret then click on save.
Push Notification
- From admin panel go to Business Setting >Push Notification
- Then Set the server key and click Submit Button
- Admin can edit the Notification Message or can publish/unpublish the Message anytime .
- Then click on Save
Terms and Condition
Set Terms and Conditions for your business. You can modify it as you want. Follow the steps admin >Business Settings> Terms & Condition
About us settings
Set about us for your business. Follow the steps admin >Business Settings> About Us
Shipping Method
You can add multiple shipping method. Follow the steps admin >Business Settings>Shipping Method
FAQ list
Set an FAQ list for your customers.