Custom Ecommence Reporting and Misc Flow 0 0

Last updated on Jul 23, 2021 13:44 in General Services
Posted ByElijah

Earning Repor:
  • This section basically show the earn according to the time slot, also admin can see total sale of the year.


Order Report:

  • In this section admin can see order details weekly, monthly and yearly.



Customer list:

  • This collection of articles guides you through how to see customers list.
  • Here, all customers can see and search every customer name and you can hide column.


Customer Details:

  • When you click customer name and show customer details and search product id you can see specific order.
  • image

Product Review:

  • This collection of articles guides you through how to see products review.
  • Here, admin can see all reviews list of products and search product name.


Review Details:

  • When you click product name and show product details and search product id you can see specific order.
  • image

** The time is base on UTC timezone